Get to Know
Our Services
Madrone has a total of 50 stalls. This includes 12x12 stalls with large windows, stalls with 60' runs, and 12x14 stalls with mattress pads. The main outdoor arena provides a full set of jumps, lights, and covered viewing next to the ring. The covered arena is also fully lighted with ringside benches. The main barn has 7 crossties and 4 wash racks along with a climate controlled tack room and viewing lounge overlooking the outdoor arena.
Boarding and Training
All boarding options include: stall cleaning, grain, hay, fresh water, turn out 6 days a week, a tack locker, laundry services, blanket changes in the winter, fans in the summer, and full use of facilities 7 days a week. Madrone is a full service facility which means all lessons and training are included in board. This allows us to create a customized program for each horse and rider. Our goal is to provide training that creates happy and successful horses. Our team has experience from starting horses to campaigning the seasoned competitor and everything in-between.
Lesson Lease
Madrone Ranch Stables runs a small but active lesson program for those that don't yet have their own horse. We have a select number of lesson type horses, from small ponies for the young child to retired hunters and equitation horses, that we half lease at a discounted flat rate. The lesson lease program includes two lessons per week, board, vet, farrier, dentist, and lease fee. Riders that have been approved by a trainer also get one additional hack day. Lessons are taught seven days a week, with morning availability during the hot summer months, and evening lessons during the school year.